ScanBelt - Disclaimer
Algunos productos ScanBelt son Marca registrada ® y/o modelos comunitarios registrados por la Unión Europea. Además, la mayoría de nuestros pasadores son productos comunitarios registrados por la UE.
Disclaimer Notice
The information, pictures, measurements etc. included on this web site are meant as an aid and service to the customers of ScanBelt A/S.
Some reservations regarding the applicability as well as the changes and corrections in the specifications should be taken, since these are guidelines only. Therefore, ScanBelt does not does not warrant the accuracy or applicability of such information.
No warranty will apply if the products of ScanBelt have been altered, unless such alterations are made by ScanBelt.
ScanBelt is not responsible for property damage and/or personal injury, direct or indirect, damage from failure and/or failure resulting from improper equipment design, operation, application, installation and/or abuse of its products.
ScanBelt products are made from a variety of plastic materials and are thus flammable. If exposed to welding or grinding machinery etc., these products could be ignited and emit fumes. ScanBelt can deliver a variety of flame retardant belt materials. For details, please contact your local ScanBelt sales agent for further information.
ScanBelt's "Sales and Delivery Conditions" applies to all offers and orders.
Para información general relativa a la responsabilidad, consulte "Condiciones generales de venta y despacho". Esta información tambioén se encuentra en la Información Técnica.
Todos los derechos reservados, copyright © 2015 |
Læsøvej 12 • DK-9800 Hjørring • Phone +45 98 90 90 88 • Fax +45 98 90 96 06 •